Healthcare Evaluation

Healthcare Evaluation of the expectations, fears and perceptions of different players
MIAAI - Medical Image Analysis & Artificial Intelligence
Another focus of the research group is to evaluate positive and negative expectations among patients, physicians and other healthcare providers from different disciplines towards AI and its integration into the healthcare system. The knowledge of different actors in the healthcare system with regard to AI will be surveyed, investigating whether and how knowledge transfer could improve acceptance of AI systems.
The results of these questionnaire-based surveys and interviews will be used to define action programmes and objectives that will enhance knowledge and manage expectations in the general population as well as among healthcare providers. A long-term goal is to establish a network including patients, clinicians and researchers.
Within this network, benchmark workshops held in cooperation with clinics and healthcare providers will support AI knowledge transfer and the promotion of new evidence-based solutions. Through these measures,
we aim to identify essential barriers and facilitators of AI implementation and increase both individual and organizational health literacy pertaining to AI.
The evaluation may also provide impulses and stimuli for politicians and professional associations in shaping their policies regarding the implementation of new systems.