Univ.-Prof.in Priv.-Doz.in Dr.in med. Ramona Woitek, PhDHead of the Research Group MIAAI (Medical Image Analysis & Artificial Intelligence) After completing her degree in Medicine, Prof. Dr....
Univ.-Prof.in Priv.-Doz.in Dr.in med. Julia Furtner-Srajer, PhD MBADeputy Head of MIAAI (Medical Image Analysis & Artificial Intelligence) Professor Julia Furtner-Srajer is Professor of Radiology at the...
Ass.-Prof.in Dr.in Sepideh HatamikiaHead of Computational Imaging at MIAAI Ass.-Prof. Dr. science. med Sepideh Hatamikia completed her PhD and also a postdoctoral position...
Univ.-Prof.in Dr.in Kyung-Eun (Anna) ChoiHead of Health Services Research/Rehabilitation Science Group at MIAAI Kyung-Eun (Anna) Choi is a research psychologist (HHU, Düsseldorf,...
Dr Sebastian Fitzek, PhDResearcher at MIAAI at Danube Private University With over 16 years of experience in teaching and research in social and political...
Dr.in Inna ServetnykPathology and Histology at DPU Inna Servetnyk is a board certified pathologist (Fachärztin für klinische und molekulare Pathologie)...
Ass.- Prof. Dr.in Olgica ZaricAI Researcher at MIAAI at Danube Private University Olgica Zaric conducted her PhD studies at Medical University of Vienna where she...
Dr. Geevarghese GeorgeAI Researcher at MIAAI at Danube Private University Dr. Geevarghese George obtained his PhD in Physics from the University of Strasbourg...