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Dr Sebastian Fitzek, PhD

Researcher at MIAAI at Danube Private University

With over 16 years of experience in teaching and research in social and political sciences, Dr. Sebastian Fitzek obtained his Ph.D. in sociology at the West University of Timisoara in 2010 and successfully completed his postdoctoral studies at the Romanian Academy in October 2015.

Since October 2022, Sebastian Fitzek has been a full-time researcher at Medical Image Analysis & Artificial Intelligence (MIAAI) in the Department of Healthcare Evaluation, playing an important role in developing research projects, writing scientific articles from the perspective of medical sociology, evaluating and promoting results, supporting the whole team in different development goals, teaching and supporting specialty courses at Donau Private University (DPU), as well as other strategic implementation tasks in the medium and long term. Sebastian Fitzek has been an expert member in several international projects and is an author of articles and books in the fields of sociology, political science, anthropology, data science and social work. Sebastian Fitzek has participated in more than 50 conferences and is the author and co-author of nationally and internationally scientifically indexed articles and chapters.

Key publications

Fitzek, S., Choi, KE.A.

BMC Med Educ 24, 844 (2024)

Fitzek, S. (2024) “Ethical challenges and transformative potential: examining the impact of artificial intelligence on patient care, data security, and the healthcare workforce in Romania”,

Journal of Community Positive Practices, (1), pp. 59-86.

doi: 10.35782/JCPP.2024.1.04.

Fitzek, S., Choi, K.-E. (Anna), & Drăgan, C. (2024)

Postmodernism Problems, 14(1), 17-36.

Sacred and Political Power, Psychosocial approaches of collective imaginary.

Fitzek, S. (2022)

Bukarest: Pro Universitaria, ISBN 978-606-26-1602-1, pp.290.

The difficulties of Romanian families with elderly people in care (a diagnosis of the Romanian elderly who are at risk).

Fitzek, S. (2019)

in Journal of Community Positive Practices (JPPC), nr. 4, pp. 11-27.

The ethnical otherness and the interethnic imaginary among the contact areas between the Roma and Romanians.

Fitzek, S. (2015)

Third Sector Organizations in Sweden and Romania: Linking Social Capital and Well-Being in the Mixed Welfare System in The European Culture for Human Rights: The Right to Happiness.

Fitzek, S. & Danețiu, M. I. (2013)

Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing (340-349), ISBN (10): 1-4438-5446-8, ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-5446-7.

Evaluation data in economic – social research of the employment of persons with multiple sclerosis.

Zamfir, E. Manea, L. Fitzek, S. Scutaru, C. (2012)

Romanian Academy– ICCV, National CNCSIS, Bucharest

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