Mar 30, 2023MIAAI PublicationsAll Publications with Medical Image Analysis & Artificial Intelligence (MIAAI) affiliation Inequalities in access to neuro-oncology...
Mar 28, 2023MIAAI Conference contributionĆGNR Temporalismuskeldicke ā Sarkopeniediagnostik in der Neuroradiologie Gadolinium ā das Ende einer Ćra? Neue Methoden in der...
Nov 24, 2022MIAAI book contributionsFitzek, S. (2023). Introduction to DATA SCIENCE. A PYTHON Path for a Non-computer Scientist [eBook]. Bukarest: ISBN:...
Nov 16, 2022MIAAI PostersAll Posters with Medical Image Analysis & Artificial Intelligence (MIAAI)Ā affiliation The Breast Histopathology Image Retrieval Using...