Pathology and Histology at DPU
Inna Servetnyk is a board certified pathologist (Fachärztin für klinische und molekulare Pathologie) teaching pathology and histology at the DPU and collaborates in research projects with MIAAI.
After graduation in Medicine from the Medical University of Charkiw in Ukraine she completed her medical training in anatomical and surgical pathology in Bayern und Berlin, Germany.
Her background is predominantly clinical and she has a broad expertise in routine surgical pathology.
Tumor pathology was the main area of her work: broad spectrum of tumors, especially in the digestive system, urinary, male genitals, female genitals, breasts, lungs, head and neck tumors. Including preoperative biopsy diagnosis with histological and immunohistological tumour typing, postoperative staging and grading, assessing tumour regression grade as response to neoadjuvant therapy.
Other duties in surgical pathology were macroscopic evaluation, cross sectioning of surgical specimens and clinical autopsies.
In addition, she was active in the field of epidemiological cancer registration, as Head of the Trust Center Common Cancer Registry of the New Federal States of Germany.
Key publications
Igor Melnychuk, Inna Servetnyk
Pubmed, PMID: 38648235